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  内容提要: 地方学是一项研究特定地域总体属性的综合学问,通观这一地方的历史与文化的根脉,也关注当今的经济社会发展的独具的特性和总体趋势。地域文化是地方学的经脉和血液。地方学的各项研究方向都从地域文化的视觉角度来审视和探讨;而地域文化研究要在地方学总体框架下立论和探究,以使这项文化研究规范在地方学的范畴。







  Jinchang Xu; Haifeng Gu; Jianwen Li

  Abstract: Region studies is a composite discipline of researching the general attribute of a specific region, all-sidedly observing the history and cultural roots of this area, focusing on the unique features and overall trend of today's economic and social development as well. Regional culture is the major content of region studies. The examination and discussion of every research direction of region studies as per the visual angle of regional culture. Regional culture studies will set the argument and carry on the research under the basis of region studies, so the researching of regional culture is belongs to the category of region studies.

  Regional culture is the performance of regional cultural phenomenon and created through theinheritance and development of this region. Regional culture is the comprehensive study of the environment, economy mode, society structure, traditional culture, etc. of a specific geographical space.

  Firstly, regional culture should have the certain direction at geographical scope, and has the core area. Secondly, regional culture should has the unique historical culture characters, and also should be the cradle of a certain folk culture or native culture with strong influence and vitality. Thirdly, the culture should form a certain system, has a relatively complete framework ofacademic theory and a certain number of study population. Fourthly, this culture should exertedthe significant influence in history or exerting the strong impact in the current development of regional economic society.

  Regional culture is a subsystem of national culture which is generated at a particular period and a specific area. The research of regional culture is exclusively observing and analyzing the particular humanities environment, economy form, politics status, culture, education, social customs and cultural psychology, etc. of a certain area, finding out the regional performance of Chinese culture as per the regional researching result, thus benefiting the clearly look at China's economic society and cultural development context.

  The institute of Beijing studies established by Beijing union university is an important inspiration;the research association of Eerduosi studies founded in Inner Mongolia Eerduosi led a discipline; the Xikou culture research institute founded in Baotou set up the Xikou culture studies. At the beginning of this century, academic units focusing on the regional culture research and regional studies construction just like research association of Eerduosi studies, institute of Beijing studies,research association of Wenzhou studies, research association of Yangzhou studies, research association of Xikou culture, research association of Yuan capital history culture, research association of Chilechuan culture, research association of Hongshan culture, research associationof Sanxia culture, research association of Sanjin culture, research association of Khorchinculture, etc. founded consecutively, and then opened the new chapter of regional culture research and regional studies construction

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