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来源::网络整理 | 作者:管理员 | 本文已影响


  本篇推送重点针对AO1 Understanding,AO2 Application, AO3 Analysis, 对应卷子必答题当中2分-6分的题目,以及选答题中前2-3个小题。在答题时也有一定的技巧,参考评分标准我们可以看到,有些题目问某个概念的两个特点,或两个原因,分值为4分,我们在做题时一定要注意对每个点的解释,并且注意使用术语。以下是老师结合了近几年IG经济卷子,对于常考基础知识点的整理,以应对前三个评分标准对我们的要求。

  Section I The Basic Economic Problem

  What is opportunity cost?

  next best alternative foregone

  Section II Allocation of resource

  What are the reasons why the supply of a product may be price-inelastic?

   It may take time to produce the product. this means that it will take time to adjust

  supply in response to a change in price / example of a product that it takes time to


   It may not be possible to store the product. this means that it cannot be taken out of

  storage when price rises / products cannot be put into storage when price falls

   It may be costly to adjust supply e.g. it might be necessary to build new factories and

  this may discourage firms from adjusting supply

   The supply of a natural resource may become limited e.g. gold maybe close to


  What are the causes of market failure?

   Failure to take into account all costs and benefits/ external costs and benefits/ under-consumed/ underproduced/ over-consumption/ over-production

   information failure

   public goods are not produced in a market system

   abuse of market power

   lack of mobility of resources

  Section III The individual as Producer, Consumer and Borrower

  What are the function of money?

   Store of value

   Unit of account

   Medium of exchange

   Standard for deferred payment

  What are the functions of the central bank?

   Lender of last resort

   Printing notes and minting coins

   Setting interest rates

   Supervising monetary policy

   Banker for commercial banks and government

   Manage international financial system

  Define ‘stock exchange’

  An organisation/ market for the sale and purchase of shares

  What are the functions of trade unions?

   Negotiating wages and other non-wage benefits

   Defending employee rights and jobs

   Improving pay and other benefits

   Improving working conditions

   Increase worker participation in business decisions

   Develop skills of union members

  Section IV The Private Firm as Producer and Employer

  What are the economies of scale?

   Financial economies

   Technical economies

   Risk-bearing economies

   Marketing economies

  What are the internal diseconomies of scale that a large firm may experience?

   Difficulties controlling/ managing the firm/ managerial diseconomies as there are more layers of management in a large firm so ti may take longer to make decisions

   communication problems as there are more layers of communication and communication may be indirect. messages may be misinterpreted and it takes time to reach recipients

   labour diseconomies: workers may feel less appreciated/ have low morale so may become demotivated which could reduce labour productivity/ efficiency

   poor industrial relations: there may be industrial action such as strikes

  What are the advantages that firms may gain from a horizontal merger?

   Take advantages of economies of scale, reduce average costs

   Increased market share as a direct competitor is eliminated

   exchange ideas and gain technology so that to increase innovation and produce with better quality

  What are the advantages of a sole proprietor?

   Profit incentive/all profits go to the sole proprietor, do not have to share with partners

   and/or shareholders

   Flexible as no one else to consult/quick to make decisions

   Provides personal services/has personal contact with consumers (1) can pick up changes in

   demand/target products

   Low start up costs/easy to set up, eases entry into the market/limited legal requirements

   Own boss, no-one to take orders from

  What is multinational company?

  a company that has its headquarters/is based in a country but produces in a number

  of countries

  What are the characteristics of perfect competition?

   many buyers and sellers, making each firm a price taker

   free entry and exit, absence of barriers to entry and exit/ results in only normal profits being earned in the long run

   homogeneous product, demand for one firm’s product will be perfectly elastic

   perfect knowledge, firms and buyers aware of profits

  Define ‘monopoly’

  A market with one seller/ single supplier

  A price maker/ a firm with market power/ dominant firm/ has barriers to entry

  Section V Role of Government in an Economy

  What are the aims of government?

   full employment

   price stability

   economic growth

   redistribution of income

   stability of balance of payment

  What are the types of direct taxes?

   income tax

   corporation tax

   capital gains tax

   inheritance tax

  What are the types of indirect taxes?

   sale tax/ value added tax

   excise duties

   customs duties/ tariff


  How supply-side policy measures could increase productivity?

   improved education/training, may raise workers’ skills, increase output per worker hour

   privatisation may increase competitive pressure on firms to keep costs low, encourage more investment, and increase output per factor hour

   reforming trade unions may reduce restrictive practices, this may allow firms to

  use their workers more efficiently increase output per worker hour

   cutting corporation tax may increase profit, increase investment and increase

  output per factor hour

   giving subsidies to encourage firms to invest in advanced technology, engage in

  research and development and/or train workers

  Section VI Economic Indicators

  What are the types of unemployment?




   Seasonal/ Casual

  What are the causes of inflation




  What are the indicators of living standards?

   GDP per capita

   HDI takes into account income, education and life expectancy

  Section VII Developing and Developed Countries

  What is absolute poverty?

   A lack of access to basic necessities e.g. food/clothing/housing

   Living on less than e.g. US$1.25 a day

  What are the characteristics of a rapidly developing economy?

   high increase in real GDP per head will increase living standards by investment

   significant improvements in healthcare will increase life expectancy cause by increased spending on hospitals

   significant improvements in education will raise workers skills

   high proportion of workers employed in the tertiary sector . as countries develops, workers tent to move from primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary sector

   low rates of population growth. as countries develop, the birth rate tends to fall faster than the death rate

   high spending on luxury products

   encouragement of MNCs to set up as it may reduce unemployment

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