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雅思口语:describe a historical period

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  雅思口语对于“历史”也算执着,一会儿在Part 1考,一会儿又在Part 2考,而且一会儿考“人”,一会儿考“事”。这次来了个综合的,考我们“时期”!真是一波又一波的折磨…… 所以可见,对于“历史”这个话题的词汇,一定要提前备起来,而且不光要会描写历史人物,还得道怎么介绍他们的事迹和那个时代的特点。如果之前你准备过历史人物,那么对于这个新的话题,除了现有素材之外还得多聊聊他所处的时期,如果你准备过历史事件,那么别光顾着讲一个故事,把时间轴拉长一些。



  Personally, I think the most special period of history is the one when Wu Zetiam was the ruler of our country in Tang Dynasty. You must have heard a lot about this woman. She’s the first and only female emperor in Chinese history.

  I think what she did was unbelievable, in that patriarchal society, it’s basically impossible for a woman to be a leader, but somehow she did it. So besides the fact that she’s got great leadership skills, I guess people at that time must be super open-minded.

  I learned from history book that her husband, the emperor at that time was pretty weak, I mean, his physical condition was not that good. And he died at a very young age. Traditionally, her son should be the next emperor, but he was too young to manage a country, so Wu Zetian decided to help her son rule the country temporarily, and that was the start of her legendary life.

  I don’t know the details about how she came into power, we just learned the reforms she carried out and the contribution she made to the society. During her reign, China became unprecedentedly strong in terms of military, culture and economy.

  If I had a time machine, I would travel back in time to that period of history, and see for myself what it was like.


  I’d like to talk about Qing Dynasty, which used to be one of the most powerful and prosperous dynasties in China. Back then, we had a huge territory. It was like… 400 years ago, the founding emperor established a new dynasty. And the next few emperors were all capable and intelligent, but the last few was a different story, so I’m gonna skip that part.

  I heard from a documentary that emperors in Qing Dynasty were the best educated and most civilized in China’s history. They had their own tutors, before they became emperors, I mean, when they were still princes, they had to get up super early and learn about classics written by ancestors. Besides academic courses, they also needed to learn how to ride and shoot. So you see, their schedule was really tight.

  This period of history is quite popular. There are many TV shows and movies based on stories that happened at that time. And personally, I really want to travel back in time in a time machine to see for myself what life was like back then. For example, I want to know whether it is true that the emperors had 3000 wives, and whether the palace was as gorgeous as what the book described.


  patriarchal = ruled or controlled by men; giving power and importance only to men例如:

  a patriarchal society

  open-minded = willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas

  legendary = very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that shows admiration例如:

  a legendary figure

  the legendary Bob Dylan

  Her patience and tact are legendary.

  carry out = to do something, such as a piece of work, task or duty = perform例如:

  to carry out an inquiry/ an investigation/ a survey

  Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.

  reign = the period during which a king, queen, emperor, etc. rules例如:

  in/ during the reign of Charles II

  unprecedentedly = that has never happened, been done or been known before例如:

  a period of unprecedentedly high food prices

  in terms of = used to show what aspect of a subject you are talking about or how you are thinking about it例如:

  The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.

  This title ranks alongside the Olympics in terms of importance.

  What does this mean in terms of cost?

  In terms of cost — how much were you thinking of charging?

  In terms of extra staff—how many will we need?

  In practical terms this law may be difficult to enforce.

  The decision was disastrous in political terms.

  He's talking in terms of starting a completely new career.

  see for yourself = to find out or look at something yourself in order to be sure that what somebody is saying is true例如:

  If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself!

  territory = land that is under the control of a particular country or ruler例如:

  enemy/ disputed/ foreign territory

  occupied territories

  They have refused to allow UN troops to be stationed in their territory.

  like = used in very informal speech to show that what you are saying may not be exactly right but is nearly so例如:

  I'm leaving in like twenty minutes.

  It's going to cost like a hundred dollars.

  capable = having the ability to do things well = skilled = competent例如:

  She's a very capable teacher.

  I'll leave the organization in your capable hands.

  intelligent = good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about things; showing this ability例如:

  a highly intelligent child

  to ask an intelligent question

  skip = to leave out something that would normally be the next thing that you would do, read, etc. 例如:

  You can skip the next chapter if you have covered the topic in class.

  I skipped over the last part of the book.

  I suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda.

  civilized = well-organized socially with a very developed culture and way of life例如:

  the civilized world

  rising crime in our so-called civilized societies

  civilized peoples

  classic = a book, film/ movie or song which is well known and considered to be of very high quality, setting standards for other books, etc.例如:

  English classics such as ‘Alice in Wonderland’

  The novel may become a modern classic.


本文标题:雅思口语:describe a historical period
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